Reason de etere

What do you need to know to properly design – plan, markup, style, enhance and test – a website? And what is the process for doing so in an effective way?

Which tools should you use in a given situation? Does it need to be React, Angular, jQuery, TypeScript, HTMX, Bootstrap, Tailwind or anything else with a name or called 'framework'? To make the best decision for yourself, you need to understand the underlying technologies you are working with: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, as well as how a browser handles files and communication. All of this this websites aim to teach you.

Why this website? There are many sources explaining how to create a website – w3schools, mdn, tutorialspoint, the documentation of React, HTMX and Tailwind – all showing you code snippets and presenting you solutions to a given problem.

The problem is, that creating a websites starts before and ends after those steps as well: First we need to find the content, struture it, translate it into HTML, give it some initial styling with CSS and enhance its functionality with JavaScript for a better UX, then we have to test it, tweak the layout, adjust the style and fix bugs in our JavaScript code.

This websites goal is to explain those steps in detail, present you a process to work along and teach you the (very important) basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript (which are often overlooked), the reasons why they are so important (even if you use a framework in the end), give you the knowledge to better evaluate different frameworks (as well as their claims) and the tools to test if the code you produce holds up to a certain standard.

It is important to note that everything said here, is for you to evaluate yourself. The shown process can be used in exactly the same way or adapted to your needs and developed further; or just ignored, if you have something that works better for you. The standards you want to apply to work, are always yours to choose – just be aware that in certain countries you have to follow laws that demand certain things in certain situations (e.g. if your web app shall be used by a goverment agency it needs to be accessible in many countries) from your website (which you will learn about her).